
Archive for October, 2009

We met on a blind date, set up by our families through a church group they belonged to…we joke that it was a triple whammy…blind date, our families, through church…we were both thinking “sure, like this is going to work out”.  Well, apparently our families, and God knew best, because here we are a year later planning a wedding.

Our first date was on May 31, 2008, we went to Shamois McDaniels for dinner, where I ordered a Blue Moon…and I will never forget the look on Doug’s face.  I think I impressed him, he was thinking I was going to order some frozen girlie drink.  We then headed to a church picnic at a neighboring parish, Immaculate Conception at Dardenne…irionic enough, Doug was the ring bearer at his cousin Ken’s wedding at that same church many years ago.  We always say that our meeting was blessed by God from the start.  After the church picnic, we ended the night at Blue Sky, a local bar and grill.

We went out on a few more dates…then that turned into weekly dates, then more and more we were spending time together.  It was such an easy and natural progression, and just seemed right.  I think it was several months into dating that we both started thinking….this is the one.

We thank God every day for His knowing the plan for us, even before we did.  When my mom sent me an email at work one day, explaining that her friend Linda had someone she wanted me to meet, I had no idea the significance of that email.  Linda, Doug’s cousin (even though you are not officially his cousin, you will always be family to us) listened to God’s calling and forever we will be grateful.

One of the things that stands out from our first date, was when Doug arrived at my place…Griffey, my golden retriever, greeted him at the door…excited someone new was there.  Doug said…what a good looking dog.  Little did we know that it would be his dog too one day.  He also said…this would be a good hunting dog.  I laughed and was thinking…this lazy dog is no hunting dog!  Needless to say, Doug loves Griffey and has never attempted to take him hunting!

We feel very blessed to have found each other.  Never underestimate the power of prayer, God’s calling and plans, and never ignore emails from your mother when she sends you a boy’s phone number! 

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Meet Griffey & Alice (aka “Ali”)…they technically rule the house, and truly believe we are here to serve them!

Griffey after a snow fall.

Griffey after a snow fall.

Master Griffey Von Ludwig…the Great Golden Retriever is our 8 year old, 100-pound golden retreiver who we commonly refer to as “the moose”.  He is a very simple creature who loves his walks, pigs ears, swimming and taking up 3/4 of the king sized bed.

Ali the true "aristo-cat"

Ali the true “aristo-cat”

Lady Alice “Ali” Von Ludwig…is our all white kitty.  She is almost 2 years old, and we recently adopted her from a local animal shelter.  Ali is a very complex creature who will hide for hours while we search the house high and low for her, she hops from window to window and does her best to put Griffey in his place.

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