
Archive for December, 2009

Holiday Message From Us!

Merry Christmas!  Many of you are probably visiting our site for the first time, because you may received our save-the-date magnets for our wedding in your Christmas cards.  Welcome to our blog…our thoughts about our life together, our pets, our upcoming wedding…including information for our out of town guests.

We have a lot of wonderful things to celebrate this year, and we are definitely looking forward to 2010.  We hope your holiday season and the New Year is filled with many blessings!

Christmas 08 - Doug buys me camo!

Love,  Jaime & Doug

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Well…this is Ali’s first Christmas with us, and maybe her first Christmas ever, as she was in an animal shelter for most of last year.  And, let’s just say that she has embraced Christmas fully.  She loves to lay under both trees (we have an artificial one upstairs and a real tree downstairs)…we even put her blanket under the tree so she doesn’t have to sleep on the floor.  And she thoroughly enjoys the wrapping paper and boxes…and batting ornaments off the tree.  It has been humorous watching her.  Thankfully enough she has not scaled the trees.

Mr. Griffey is going on his 8th Christmas, so he is a pro!  But the holiday decorations are old news for him…unless it is a stuffed snowman, he pretty much minds his own business.  He is having a traumatic holiday…he is still suffering from his hot spot, and it has gotten worse before healing.  We are on the 4th rounds of meds, three trips to the vet and every over the counter relief we can find.  He is a bit mopey with it, so he has an extra huge bone under the tree for him this year.

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