
Archive for January, 2010

We had a great Christmas this year!  We celebrated Christmas with Jaime’s family the Saturday before Christmas with a party and dinner at our house, then on Sunday we had Christmas with each other and our pets…then on Dec. 23, after work, we headed to Chicago to spend Christmas with the Ludwigs.  We had a great time in Chicago, spending time with Doug’s family, we had a snowy, white Christmas and spent some time in downtown Chicago.  Doug’s dad dressed like Santa on Christmas Eve and we took some cute family photos.  We watched movies, played games, cooked and ate a lot of great meals.

Our day in the city was fabulous….we went to the Museum of Science and Industry, then over to see the Bean, the headed to a local bar called Tavern at the Park to have a few drinks and warm up, then headed over to Macy’s for some shopping before having dinner at Navy Pier.  It was a perfect day and had a steady snow fall most of the day.

Then, on Sunday, before we headed home, we celebrated Doug’s niece April’s 18th birthday!  Here are some of our photos…

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We celebrated Christmas with the Powers side the weekend before Christmas since we were heading to Chicago for the holiday….we had a great time with dinner and a party at our house.  Jaime’s two nephews and niece had a great time opening their gifts and we played Rob Your Neighbor with some pretty goofy gag gifts.  We were very glad that Jaime’s Grandma was able to join us, as she hasn’t been in the greatest of health lately, but she joined us and had a great night.

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Well…needless to say Griffey and Alice (Ali) were spoiled this Christmas!  Santa Paws came and brought them each gifts.  Griffey, who is finally on the mend, received a huge bone and Miss Ali Cat got a kitty tunnel….both are pleased with their gifts.  We love the picture of the two of them with their gifts…mainly beacuse of how close they are…a huge difference – and progress – from when we first brought Ali home.  It was complete chaos for about a month…they were both terrified of each other and we had to keep them seperated….and now, they have learned to tolerate each other…we have even caught them sleeping in the same bed at the same time.  We are not sure they will ever be best of friends…but it is peaceful in the house now.

Griffey, who had been suffering from an infected hot spot, is finally healing…after four trips to the vet, 6 rounds of meds and just about every over the counter health aid we could find…we finally have it under control.  Poor guy, he was pretty miserable for awhile…now he is back to his usual antics…like stealing our socks!

So, the pets are doing great, and my only complaint now is that both of them follow their daddy around wherever he goes…I am the odd man out here!

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