
Archive for February, 2010

We were very excited to begin 2010, as we have a lot of great events to look forward to this year…most of all the wedding!  We spent New Year’s Eve with our great friends Sue and Phil with dinner at a Japanese restaurant then on to a party.  The next day, January 1 was Doug’s grandmother’s 96th birthday so we joined her for a birthday party.  She is so cute!  We also had our marriage preparation weekend in January spending the weekend at a retreat center for the Catholic Engaged Encounter program.  We also had a skating party for our nephew, Justin, who turned 7 years old…it was a blast, and Doug and I both skated for the first time in years!  Our pets, Griffey and Alice had birthdays…Griffey turned 9 and Ali turned 2!  We ended the month with Doug fishing in the 20-degree weather and I went wedding dress shopping.  Started out as a fabulous year so far…enjoy our pics!

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Here are recent and random pictures of Griffey and Ali.  We are still amazed that they have come so far from their first meeting.  When we introduced them for the first time, it was an all out war!  And the war continued for about a month.  Now, however, they have learned to tolerate each other and have even been spotted sleeping in the bed at the same time.  Alice turned 2 and Griffey turned 9 in January.  My favorite pics are of them each sleeping on the leather sofa…the one place they are not allowed….well, you can see how well that goes over!  I also love the pic of Doug in his camo with Griffey and the duck….the only duck Griffey will actually retrieve is a stuffed one!  To Doug’s dismay, his hunting dog is just not gonna hunt!

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