
Archive for April, 2010

March was a busy and exciting month for us.  We had a great time at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Doug’s mom and niece Julie came to visit, we welcomed a new nephew into this world, and we celebrated Doug’s 35th birthday!  And, despite both of us getting the flu and sick for a week, there is only six months to the wedding, so we are excited about that!

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade was COLD and a bit rainy, but we still had a great time.  Check out the pictures, we ended the day at  Jive & Wail, where our niece and nephews danced on stage…yep, babies in a bar!  (At least it was a kid-friendly event!)

Doug’s mom and niece came into town and we had a great weekend, and visited the wedding dress shop to try on wedding and bridesmaid dresses, then lunch with the girls.  And, the very next week, we welcomed our new nephew, Cooper Richard Powers, into the world on March 23. …check out the photos.  He is an adorable baby and we are happy to add a 6th to our nieces and nephews count.

We ended the month with Doug’s 35th birthday by spending the weekend in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri.  We visited a Bed & Breakfast ( http://www.southernhotelbb.com/ ) , antique shops, quaint restaurants and the Cave Vineyard ( http://www.cavevineyard.com/ ), which is a winery in a cave. Very cool!  We then the spent the last few days of March playing the Wii…Doug’s birthday present, so we are finally not the last people on earth to own the Wii.

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