
Archive for July, 2010

Wow, it has been awhile since I posted.  It is JULY now!!!  What happened to May and June??  They have flown by in our world…we have been so busy with many things, most importantly the upcoming wedding!

Our May and June were filled with Doug working on some big projects at work that kept him busy with some many long days, but it is good for business, right?  In May, we celebrated my birthday with dinner and cupcakes in the Central West End which our good friends, Phil and Sue.  We also took a trip to Chicago at the end of May to celebrate Doug’s niece April, who graduated from high school.  We had a lovely time at her graduation party and we are so excited for her as she will start college in fall. 

On the wedding front, in May, we ordered the bridesmaid dresses, had our menu tasting at the reception site and bought our wedding rings, very exciting!  We ended the month with a long holiday weekend to kick off summer.

June was filled with events for family and friends.  Good times celebrating wedding events for our friends Christina and Jay, celebrating Doug’s cousin David’s engagement to Amber, and Doug’s cousin Sydney had a graduation party as well, she is now a high school grad!  And, we had a fun reunion with friends of Jaime’s family from where she grew up.  We had a great visit with Doug’s best man, Joe, and his son, who stayed over on their way to Chicago, and it was great spending time with them.  We also spent a good amount of time hanging out at Jaime’s parents and enjoying the pool with all of this extreme heat and humidity….welcome to summers in St. Louis!

We had a great 4th of July weekend, followed by a weekend in Jeff City to celebrate our friends, Jay and Christina’s wedding.  Then, Doug’s dad came into town, and Doug and he put in new floors in our house and they look amazing!

So, now we are well into July and in deep in wedding plans.  Just two months to go, and we can’t wait!!

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