
Archive for August, 2010

Silly Pets!

What is going on here?

So, people say pets can sense something is up…and, we think they are right!  Griffey and Ali are certain something is up.  They may not know that a wedding is around the corner, but they do know that boxes keep arriving each day in the mail, which is as much as a gift to Ali as it is for us.  She gets so excited about the boxes and wrapping paper.  We also have flowers, decorations, bags, papers scattered around the house as the wedding gets closer.  The pets are growing accustomed to sharing their spaces with “wedding junk”.  We haven’t yet broken the news to them that Mommy and Daddy are leaving for two weeks for a honeymoon, but I am sure they will be suspicious once the suitcases come out!  Check out the latest fun pics of our furry little friends!  Miss Ali Cat loves to lay in the sink, the tub, laundry baskets and her favorite chair, while Griffey prefers the floor….and he has a love/hate relationship with the floors…they are cool to lay down on, but he doesn’t get any traction when he has to get up quickly when the doorbell rings!

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Summer Fun Pics

Enjoy our pictures from the last few months…including our 4th of July celebration, our friends’ Christina and Jay’s wedding, and Doug’s niece April’s graduation party, among others….

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