
Posts Tagged ‘Hunting’

Our November is summed up by two words…hunting and Thanksgiving!

Doug went on his annual 10-day hunting trip with the guys, on the hunt for a buck and doe…this year the weather did not cooperate, and there will not be a fresh supply of venison in our freezer.  But, he still had a great time outdoors and hanging with the guys.

Thanksgiving was in St. Louis this year, and all of Doug’s family were in town.  We had Thanksgiving at his sister Racheal’s new house and had a delicious meal…minus the turkey…long story and I am afraid Doug still may feel it is too soon to joke about yet…let’s just say it was a turkey fryer malfunction.  I told him he has a year to master it before next Thanksgiving.

While Doug’s parents were in town for the holiday, we had dinner at the restaurant where we will have the rehearsal dinner…appropriately named Mother In Law House on Historic Main Street St. Charles. http://www.historicstcharles.com/visitors.aspx and http://www.motherinlawhouse.com/

And, lastly over Thanksgiving weekend, our golden Griffey developed a hot spot that led us to an unexpected trip to the vet…this is the first one he has had in his almost 9 years…and we are still working to treat it so it will heal.  Poor guy he is a bit miserable.

Overall, we had a great November and are now in full Christmas mode!

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